Special Issue

- OLE and OLE-related presentations at JALTCALL2012 and JALT PanSIG2012 -



Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)

Other Language Educators 2012 at JaltCALL and PanSIG



containing almost all presentations and materials from the OLE-related events at JALTCALL2012 June 2 and 3, 2012 in Kobe and at JALT PanSIG2012, June 16 and 17 , 2012 in Higashi-Hisoshima.

A service of Ehime University for JALT’s Other Languages Educators Special Interest Group

Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan

松山市 愛媛大学

August 2012


Issued by:

Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory   ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室発行

For citation:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName (2012) Title-of-the-paper-you-are-citing. In:

Reinelt, R. (ed.) (2012) Other Language Educators 2012 at JaltCALL and PanSIG compiled for OLE by Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan, p. first page – last page.






主催:JALT Japanese Association for Language Teaching

OLE Other Language Educators SIG







ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室、愛媛大学  教育・学生支援機構

Organization: Rudolf Reinelt, Ehime University Center for General Education

All rights remain with the authors and the original publishers

All materials and papers only free for viewing. For educational and research uses contact the authors or the editor








Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)

OLE 2012 at JaltCALL and PanSIG



JaltCALL2012: June 2&3, Konan University, Kobe, Hyogo

PanSIG2012: June 16&17, Hiroshima University, Higashi Hiroshima City

松山市 愛媛大学

August 2012

Issued for OLE at JALT by:

Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory

Institute for Education and Student Support

Center for General Education

Ehime University

Bunkyo-cho 3

790-8577 Matsuyama, Japan

-81-(0)89-927-9359 (T/F)



Table of Contents                                                                                  page

SIG Coordinator’s Preface                                                                             3

PanSIG2012 Theme in 4 languages                                                            6


I. OLE’s sponsored presenter Tom Cobb                                                    

1. Tom Cobb, Learning French from a Corpus: How and Why                8


II. OLE at JaltCALL 2012 (2012 June 3)

2. Rudolf Reinelt, Integrating speaking, writing and grammar in

2FL German testing                                                                                       17


III OLE at PanSIG 2012 (2012 6 16 & 17)

3. David Barker, Ten Things I Learned in French Class                         28

4. Herrad Heselhaus, Rereading “Literacy” and “Illiteracy”

– Teaching Images of Japan in Foreign Literature                                   30

5. Timothy Buthod, Intensive Language Courses in Lifelong Learning          38

6. Eric Fortin, Language, Nursing, Chaos, and Learner Autonomy

Literacy                                                                                                            49

7. Tats Paul Nagasaka, After English, who comes next?                         53

8. Morten Hunke, Life is more complex than grammar!

文法は人生ほど難しくない!                                                                                                      55

9. Rudolf Reinelt, Writing despite / because of speaking                          60

Outside cover: OLE 2013 conference flyer                                                 61


Coordinator contact


Rudolf Reinelt Ehime University      愛媛大学 教育・学生支援機構

Integrated Education Center             共通教育センター

Center for General Education               松山市文京町3

790-8577 Bunkyo-cho 3                           reinelt.rudolf.my@ehime-u.ac.jp

Matsuyama 790-8577               T/F 089-927-9359

Coordinators Preface

PanSIG 2012 almost lived up to its name: Almost all (pan=greek: all) sigs were represented at the conference at Hiroshima University’s main campus in Higashi Hiroshima City. This diversity is also represented in the OLE presentations gathered in this booklet.

This booklet first contains the PanSIG theme in four languages other than  English as they were prepared by OLE.

At PanSIG 2012, OLE sponsored main speaker Prof. Tom Cobb of the university de Quebec at Montreal, and he has made his presentation, which is relevant for a host of languages, available to us as the first presentation in this booklet. You are invited to try out all the links.

Next follows OLE’s only presentation at JALTCALL 2012 by Rudolf Reinelt.

This is followed by the OLE presentations at PanSIG 2012. There were also three other OLE-related presentations. All of these are included below: Nagasaka, Hunke, Fortin and Reinelt,a s well as Buthod, Decker and Heselhaus.

Brief overview

Prof. Cobb introduced us to his Lextutor, accessible at lextutor.ca/cv/. He explained how this tool was set up, what it contains, and how it can, is and has been used by teachers and learners of English, French, and in part other languages. As he is still developing it, he would be very grateful for feedback.

In his JaltCALL presentation, Reinelt argues that and gives an example for “students reaching a comparably advanced degree of a certain stage in their 2FL speaking, simultaneously attain a similarly advanced level in both writing and grammar” without especially addressing the latter two in the teaching previously.

The OLE and OLE-related contributions at PanSIG, here given in the order they were presented, started on Saturday with Profs. Barker, Heselhaus and Buthod. They are followed by OLE’s thread on Sunday, including, after Prof. Cobbs special lecture, Profs. Fortin, Nagasaka, Hunke and Reinelt.  

In a brief contribution, Barker shares his 10 insights from his French learning.

Heselhaus demonstrates the importance of both literacy and illiteracy from “teaching images of Japan in Foreign literature” with German examples. 

Buthod has us remember that it is important for foreign language teachers to take up learning a(ny) foreign language every few years in order to again get a feeling for the learners’ circumstances and adds a list of questions for teachers to ponder and answer.

On Sunday, Fortin introduced us to the basics of Chaos theory and how its fundamentals and its tenets could be helpful when designing foreign language, in his case French, courses for various learners, in the presenter’s case those at a nursing college.

Nagasaka started from the present English dominance and took us along pondering how it may be possible to come to any further steps.

Hunke, overcoming grammar, explores pragmatic features in his consciousness raising workshop.

Reinelt explores and gives an example of how “the productive skills of speaking and writing” support each other.

All contributions are presented as they were made available by the authors, who would be grateful for any comments or other contacts. As for copyright, all material is only free for information. If in doubt about using it for educational purposes or research, please contact the presenters directly or via this coordinator. As everything appears online, we gratefully acknowledge the support of the Education and Student Support Center’s Education Department at Ehime University for OLE at JALT.

Report from the OLE SIG meeting

OLE held a brief SIG meeting during the lunch break. This SIG plans to hold its first OLE SIG conference in Oct 2012 and its second conference on October 12 and 13, 2013 at Chukyo University in Nagoya. Ideas and proposals for this event are most welcome. Please see the provisional flyer at the end of this book.

Conference information

For info on OLE at JALT 2012 on October 13 and 14 at Acty in Hamamatsu see or order NL 63 and 64 with all long and short abstracts and summaries. Please bring these newsletters along to the conference.

Next years’ PanSIG conference site and date have not yet been decided. We will keep you informed as soon as we know more.

Other upcoming conferences:

The 7th Mini-conference on language learning and teaching in Matsuyama will take place on September 22 and 23, 2012 at Ehime University in Matsuyama. The deadline has been extended to August 15th. Please send a proposal for presentation with an A4-abstract and 7thMatsu12 in the subject line to reinelt.rudolf.my@ehime-u.ac.jp. You will be notified of the status of your proposal by the end of August 2012.


JALT 2013 will take place Oct. 25 to Oct. 28 in Kobe.

JALT 2014 is planned for Nov. 21 to 24. in Tsukuba.

Please inform your colleagues about this publication.

We hope you get as much (and may be more) from this book as we got from JALTCALL 2012 and PanSIG 2012.


Your OLE SIG Coordinator


Rudolf Reinelt

PanSIG2012 theme in four languages                           German

“Literacy”, Literarizität im traditionellen Sinne bezeichnete die (gute!) Produktion und das (richtige) Verständnis schriftlicher Texte. In der letzten Zeit hat sich kritische Literarizität mit der Infragestellung und der Analyse solcher Texte und ihrer sozialen Eingebundenheit beschäftigt. Außerdem wurde das Konzept als digitale und als mediale Literarizität ausgeweitet auf alle sichtbaren Phänomene und deren Technologie. Im Muttersprachenbereich ist universale Alphabetisierung ein Ziel regionaler wie landesweiter Erziehungseinrichtungen und weltweiter Bildungsinstitutionen. Was verstehen wir als Fremdsprachenlehrer unter „literacy“ und wie beeinflusst dies unsere Lehre und unsere Forschung? 


L’alphabétisme traditionnellement signifiait la compréhension et la production des textes écrits. Plus récemment les compétences critiques en lecture et écriture se concentrent sur la capacité de mettre en doute et analyser ces textes pour les voir dans ses contextes sociaux. En plus, maintenant le concept s’élargit pour traiter les images visuelles et la technologie, comme la culture numérique et la culture de média. Dans les contextes de langue maternelle, la réalisation des compétences en lecture et écriture est l’objectif déclaré des administrations locales et nationales qui gèrent les affaires scolaires, ainsi que les corps internationaux. Comme enseigneurs des langues, comment pouvons-nous comprendre les compétences en lecture et écriture, et comment est-ce que ces compréhensions informent nos méthodes d’enseignement et de recherche?


Convocatoria al Congreso Anual JALT Pan-SIG 2012

16 y 17 de junio de 2012             Plazo para el envío de propuestas: 29 de febrero, 2012

El comité organizador del Congreso JALT Pan-SIG 2012 invita a docents investigadores enviar propuestas para el Décimo Primer Congreso Anual Pan-SIG a realizarse el sábado 16 y el domingo 17 de junio de 2012 en la Universidad de Hiroshima, campus Higashi-Hiroshima.

Este congreso está co-auspiciado el Hiroshima Chapter de JALT y los siguientes SIGS (Grupos con Intereses Específicos): Bilingüalismo, Aprendizaje de Lenguas Asistido por Computadoras (CALL), Pnsamiento Crítico (CT), Educación Terciaria y Universitaria (CUE), Lectura Extensiva (ER), Marco y Portafolio de Lengua (FLP), Estudios de Géneros en la Enseñanza de lenguas (GALE), Temas Globales en la Enseñanza de Lenguas (GILE), Japonés como Segunda Lengua (JSL), Educación Secundaria (JSHS), Desarrollo del Aprendiente (LD), Producción de Material Didáctico (MW), Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras con excepción de Inglés y Japonés (OLE), Profesionalización, Administración y Liderazgo en Educación (PALE), Pragmática (PRAG), Discurso, Dramatización y Debate (SDD), Estudio en el Extranjero (SA), Enseñanza por Tareas (TBL), Enseñanza de niños (TC), Evaluación (TEVAL) y Docentes que ayudan a Docentes (THT).

El tema del congreso es lecto-escritura, señales de emergencia.

Tradicionalmente, se ha entendido por lecto-escritura la comprensión y producción de textos escritos. Más recientemente, la lecto-escritura crítica se ha centrado en la destreza para cuestionar y analizar esos textos y considerarlos dentro de su contexto social. Además, el concepto se ha ampliado para abarcar imágenes visuales y tecnológicas, es decir, lecto-escritura digital y de medios. En el contexto de la lengua materna, la lecto-escritura universal es un objetivo establecido desde las autoridades nacionales de educación hasta las instituciones internacionales. Como docentes de lenguas extranjeras, ¿De qué modo entendemos la lecto-escritura y qué incidencia tiene esta comprensión en nuestra enseñanza e investigación?

Se aceptarán propuestas que estén claramente escritas y que presenten investigaciones o ideas pedagógicas novedosas.

Se considerarán en particular las propuestas que se ajusten al tema del congreso y/o a los intereses generales del SIG al que se dirijan.

¡Se invita muy especialmente a ponentes que presenten en idioma japonés!

El comité organizador agradecerá si cada persona envía una sola propuesta.



字”在传统上被认为是理解 和写文字的能力。近来,“字”的被聚焦在抽象和分析文章,以及系上下文的能力。此外,念已被拓展用到虚拟图像和 新技术领域,比如数字化字 和多媒体字。在母语环境 下,普及“字”是一个既定目,无是本地和本国的教育机是国际间的相。作教 育工作者,重要的是,我如何理解“字”,以及如何把些 理念用到指的 教育和研究工作中。


HomeLearning to Teach, Teaching to Learn


invite you to the



Language learning and teaching beyond the first foreign language


Date: Oct. 12/13, 2013

Venue: Chukyo University, Nagoya

Information: OLE Coordinator

Rudolf Reinelt reinelt.rudolf.my@ehime-u.ac.jp T/F 089-927-9359


Please inform teachers of languages other than English and Japanese of this opportunity.

We look forward to meeting you

- telling us about the FL teaching situation at your school

- presenting about your research

- networking with colleagues, students and others

- preparing your presentation for the annual JALT conference.